1&1:Premium Brands Versus Discount Brands

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Which are the premium brands and discount brands

1&1 AG has two brands, premium brands and discount brands. Premium brands are offered by 1&1 and they target high value clients. On the other hand, discound brands appeal to price-conscious customers. Discount brands are offered by its subsidiary, Drillisch Online Gmbh[1]. This subsidiary was formed in 2019 as Drillisch Telecom AG[2]. Drillisch Online Gmbh and Yourfone(premium brand and mobile phone seller) were Drillisch's core business before the merger. The former comprised of Smartmobile.de(premium brand), Maxxin, sim.de, winsin, deutschlandSim and Simply[3]. After the merger, no other subsidiary was added to Drillisch Online Gmbh[4]. Before the merger, Drillisch was considered a low-cost mobile phone operator as it appealed to customers on a tight budget while 1&1 was a premium brand[5]. During the merger, 3.4 million customers came from Drillisch (based on 2016 numbers) while 1&1 had 8.7 million customers[6]. Therefore, assuming all discount brands came from Drillisch, it means around 4.5 million customers(or less) of 1&1 AG (28% of 15.87 million in Q1 2023) belong to discount brands.

Growth rate of premium brands and discount brands

Before the merger, year-over-year revenue growth rates of Drillisch was highly volatile. However, between 2010 and 2014, revenue grew by -3.26% on average. United Internet did not provide revenue breakdown from various segments but it gave revenue from access segment. Access segment comprised brands such as 1&1, GMX, WEB.DE and 1&1 Versatel. 1&1 Versatel was consolidated by United Internet in Q4 2014. Excluding revenue from 1&1 Versatel, access segment revenue grew by 14.31% year-over-year on average between 2010 and 2014. 1&1 revenue probably accounted for the largest portion of that access segment revenue given that the proportion of its subscriber numbers between 2014 and 2016 was 96% on average[7].

Drillisch revenue

Period 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Average growth rate from 2010 to 2014
Revenue in € M 710.0 629.5 289.6 290.5 323.7 349.1 362.5 344.5 350.1 361.5 282.2
Growth(%) 12.79% 117.37% -0.31% -10.26% -7.28% -3.70% 5.22% -1.60% -3.15% 28.10% -3.26%

Access Segment revenue excluding Versetel

Period 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Average growth rate from 2010 to 2014
Access segment revenue excluding versetel 2,224.70 2,004.50 1,788.30 1,586.10 1,368 1,231.49 1,028.77
Growth(%) 10.99% 12.09% 12.75% 15.94% 11.08% 19.71% 14.31%

1&1 Subscribers

Period 2016 2015 2014 Average
Total subcribers 8.7 7.5 6.4
As a % of total United Internet Access segment Subscribers 99.77% 96.15% 94.26% 96.73%
