Developments Loans


Loans and Leases in Bank Credit
[2] Overall Loans[3] Large Banks[4] Small Banks[5] C&I Loans[6] Real State Loans[7] Consumer Loans Overall[8]
Date Amount (B) M/M Y/Y M/M Billions Y/Y Billions Amount M/M Y/Y M/M Billions Y/Y Billions Amount M/M Y/Y M/M Billions Y/Y Billions Amount M/M Y/Y M/M Billions Y/Y Billions Amount M/M Y/Y M/M Billions Y/Y Billions Amount M/M Y/Y M/M Billions Y/Y Billions
2024-04-01 12,367 0.22 2.30 28 278 6,754 0.07 -0.03 5 -2 4,514 0.21 5.15 10 221 2,757 0.26 -0.60 7 -17 5,590 0.21 3.06 12 166 1,910 -0.29 1.87 -6 35
2024-03-01 12,339 0.14 2.02 18 244 6,750 -0.09 -0.03 -6 -2 4,504 0.35 4.76 16 205 2,750 -0.57 -1.61 -16 -45 5,578 0.30 2.98 17 161 1,915 0.30 2.61 6 49
2024-02-01 12,321 0.42 2.01 52 242 6,756 0.35 0.45 23 30 4,488 0.31 4.21 14 181 2,765 0.39 -1.44 11 -40 5,562 0.36 2.89 20 156 1,910 0.55 2.95 11 55
2024-01-01 12,270 0.18 2.07 22 248 6,732 -0.06 0.39 -4 26 4,475 0.62 4.65 28 199 2,755 -0.30 -2.04 -8 -57 5,542 0.40 3.24 22 174 1,899 0.12 2.96 2 55
2023-12-01 12,247 0.01 2.26 1 271 6,736 -0.24 0.45 -16 30 4,447 0.23 4.92 10 209 2,763 -0.04 -1.50 -1 -42 5,520 0.18 3.31 10 177 1,897 -0.34 3.44 -7 63
2023-11-01 12,247 0.04 3.20 6 380 6,752 -0.11 0.65 -7 44 4,437 0.20 7.16 9 296 2,764 -0.29 -1.04 -8 -29 5,510 0.18 4.97 10 261 1,903 0.26 4.12 5 75
2023-10-01 12,241 0.26 3.85 32 454 6,760 0.13 1.24 9 83 4,428 0.29 7.61 13 313 2,773 0.41 -0.12 11 -3 5,500 0.07 5.61 4 292 1,898 0.00 4.25 0 77
2023-09-01 12,209 0.26 4.47 31 522 6,751 0.15 1.64 10 109 4,415 0.26 8.47 12 345 2,761 0.02 0.34 1 9 5,496 0.25 6.37 14 329 1,898 0.35 5.21 7 94
2023-08-01 12,178 0.39 4.97 47 577 6,741 0.09 1.97 6 130 4,404 0.81 9.31 35 375 2,761 0.01 1.12 0 30 5,483 0.48 6.96 26 357 1,892 0.52 5.62 10 101
2023-07-01 12,131 0.19 5.46 23 628 6,735 0.01 2.56 1 168 4,368 0.54 9.73 23 387 2,760 -0.05 1.98 -1 53 5,456 0.20 7.47 11 379 1,882 -0.15 5.78 -3 103
2023-06-01 12,107 -0.05 6.35 -6 723 6,734 -0.39 3.38 -27 220 4,345 0.63 10.74 27 421 2,762 -0.17 3.31 -5 88 5,445 -0.11 8.30 -6 417 1,885 0.24 6.99 5 123
2023-05-01 12,113 0.20 7.92 25 889 6,761 0.06 5.05 4 325 4,317 0.57 11.72 25 453 2,766 -0.25 5.96 -7 156 5,452 0.51 9.57 28 476 1,880 0.29 7.89 5 137
2023-04-01 12,089 -0.05 9.03 -6 1001 6,757 0.07 6.19 5 394 4,293 -0.16 12.53 -7 478 2,774 -0.75 8.01 -21 206 5,424 0.13 10.12 7 498 1,875 0.43 8.61 8 149
2023-03-01 12,095 0.13 10.34 16 1134 6,752 0.39 7.23 26 455 4,300 -0.17 14.13 -7 532 2,795 -0.40 10.20 -11 259 5,417 0.21 11.16 12 544 1,867 0.64 9.38 12 160
2023-02-01 12,079 0.48 11.44 58 1240 6,725 0.29 7.90 19 492 4,307 0.73 15.23 31 569 2,806 -0.22 12.30 -6 307 5,405 0.70 11.70 38 566 1,855 0.56 10.27 10 173
2023-01-01 12,021 0.37 11.54 44 1244 6,706 0.00 8.11 0 503 4,276 0.88 15.09 37 560 2,812 0.24 13.01 7 324 5,368 0.47 11.52 25 555 1,845 0.59 10.72 11 179
2022-12-01 11,977 0.93 11.90 110 1274 6,706 -0.04 8.87 -2 546 4,238 2.37 14.60 98 540 2,805 0.43 13.28 12 329 5,343 1.79 11.60 94 555 1,834 0.32 11.01 6 182
2022-11-01 11,867 0.68 12.11 80 1282 6,708 0.47 10.00 31 610 4,140 0.62 12.83 25 471 2,793 0.63 14.56 18 355 5,249 0.78 10.27 41 489 1,828 0.38 11.75 7 192
2022-10-01 11,787 0.86 12.17 100 1279 6,677 0.52 10.36 35 627 4,115 1.09 12.97 44 472 2,776 0.88 14.43 24 350 5,208 0.78 10.09 40 477 1,821 0.93 12.54 17 203
2022-09-01 11,687 0.74 11.72 86 1226 6,642 0.48 10.20 32 615 4,070 1.04 12.12 42 440 2,752 0.79 13.60 22 329 5,167 0.81 9.73 42 458 1,804 0.74 12.51 13 201
2022-08-01 11,601 0.85 11.26 98 1174 6,611 0.68 10.10 44 606 4,029 1.19 10.91 48 396 2,730 0.86 12.19 23 297 5,126 0.95 9.24 48 434 1,791 0.67 12.33 12 197
2022-07-01 11,503 1.04 10.81 119 1122 6,566 0.81 9.90 53 591 3,981 1.46 9.64 57 350 2,707 1.25 10.27 34 252 5,077 0.98 8.81 49 411 1,779 0.99 12.60 17 199
2022-06-01 11,384 1.42 9.97 160 1032 6,514 1.21 9.39 78 559 3,924 1.53 8.10 59 294 2,673 2.39 7.69 62 191 5,028 1.06 8.11 53 377 1,762 1.09 12.54 19 196
2022-05-01 11,224 1.23 8.27 137 857 6,435 1.14 8.02 73 478 3,865 1.31 6.08 50 222 2,611 1.68 2.56 43 65 4,975 1.01 7.30 50 338 1,743 0.96 12.42 17 192
2022-04-01 11,087 1.15 7.19 126 743 6,363 1.05 7.01 66 417 3,815 1.25 4.91 47 179 2,568 1.26 0.45 32 12 4,926 1.08 6.10 52 283 1,726 1.14 12.76 19 195
2022-03-01 10,961 1.12 5.72 122 593 6,297 1.02 5.58 63 333 3,767 0.79 3.73 30 135 2,536 1.50 -1.97 38 -51 4,873 0.70 4.95 34 230 1,707 1.45 11.47 24 176
2022-02-01 10,839 0.58 4.54 62 471 6,233 0.49 4.21 30 252 3,738 0.60 3.32 22 120 2,499 0.41 -3.43 10 -89 4,839 0.55 4.06 26 189 1,682 0.98 10.07 16 154
2022-01-01 10,777 0.69 4.29 74 443 6,203 0.70 3.60 43 215 3,715 0.46 3.99 17 143 2,488 0.48 -2.93 12 -75 4,813 0.54 3.31 26 154 1,666 0.85 9.19 14 140

March 2023

US bank lending contracted by the most on record in the last two weeks of March, indicating a tightening of credit conditions in the wake of several high-profile bank collapses that risks damaging the economy. commercial bank lending dropped nearly $105 billion in the two weeks ended March 29, the most in Federal Reserve data back to 1973. The more than $45 billion decrease in the latest week was primarily due to a a drop in loans by small banks.

The Fed’s report showed that by bank size, lending decreased $23.5 billion at the 25 largest domestically chartered banks in the latest two weeks, and plunged $73.6 billion at smaller commercial banks over the same period. Lending by foreign institutions in the US fell $7.5 billion.[9]

Fed said domestically chartered banks made divestments to nonbank institutions that affected $60 billion in loans in the week ended March 22, meaning those loans are no longer held by commercial lenders.

  • Commercial and industrial lending — considered a closely followed gauge of economic activity — fell $68 billion
  • Commercial real estate loans dropped $35.3 billion
  • Total assets, which includes vault cash, as well as balances due from depository institutions and the Fed, decreased nearly $220 billion
  • Total liabilities declined more than $188 billion

Developments Securities
