See also: Guidelines | Sheet:Research Processes | Investment Philosophy | Valuation Models | Research Strategies(General Advise)

This is the central article regarding our standardized research processes.

The article is in a draft stage. We plan to clearly lay out Moritz Investment Research Framework that lead to a strong performance in the past, while continuing to improve it.

Investment Research Framework

We conduct research on multiple depth levels.


Goal: Screen investment opportunities and surface interesting cases.

Typical time invest: Up to 2h


Goal: Get an initial overview of an investment opportunity in order to decide if it makes sense to seriously explore an investment case.

Typical time invest: Up to 5 hours

Steps: Rough draft here.


Goal: Explore the investment target until we reach a decision if an initial position should be opened.

Typical time invest: Up to 100 hours


Goal: Deepening our understanding of the company or crypto project until we have a very good holistic and entrepreneurial understanding of it.

Typical time invest: More than 300 hours

Macro Research