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Just a list of some books i have read or want to read.
Ashlee Vance - Tesla, Paypal, SpaceX
Georg von Wallwitz - All books
George Orwell - The Lion and the Unicorn
Ray Dalio - Principles
Ray Dalio - Debt cycles
Alan Greenspan - Capitalism in America: A History
Edward Tse - China's Disruptors
Jochen Bleiken - Augustus
Niccolò Machiavelli- Il Principe
Plutarch - Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans
Sun Tsu - Art of war
Influence - Robert Cialdini
Andrew Grove - High Output Management
James Stavridis - Sailing True North
Ezra Vogel - Deng Xiaoping
Bryan Burrough and John Helyar - Barbarians at the Gate
Gillet Tett - Fools Gold
Roger Lowenstein - When genius failed
Peter D. Kaufman - Poor Charlie's Almanack
Yuval Harari - Homo deus
Jeffrey Liker - The Toyota Way
Benjamin Graham - Security Analysis
Stephen Roach - The next Asia
Adam Smith - Wealth of Nations
Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Fooled by Randomness
Daniel Kahneman - Thinking, Fast and Slow
Raghuram Rajan - Fault Lines
George Soros - Alchemy of Finance
Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged
Thucydides - The War of the Peloponnesians and the Athenians
Reed Hastings - No Rules Rules
Bob Iger - The Ride of a lifetime
Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
Friedrich Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morality
Alan Blinder - After the music stopped playing
Daran Acemoglu and James Robinson - Why nations fail
Liaquant Ahamed - Lord of Finance
James Stavridis - Sea Power
Jocko Willink - Extreme ownership
Phillip Fischer - Common Stocks and uncommon profits
Thomas Hobbes – Leviathan
John Rawls - A Theory of justice
John Stuart Mill - Principles of Political Economy
Alfread Marshall - Principles of Economics
Daniel Stedmen Jones - Master of the Universe. Birth of neoliberal politics.
Karl Popper - The Poverty of Historiscsm
F. Hayek - The Road to seldom
Friedman - Capitalism and Freedom
Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead
Peter Thiel - Zero to one
Benjamin Graham - The Intelligent Investor
A.J. Ayer - Voltaire
Donald J. Trump - The Art of the Deal
Carl von Clausewitz - Vom Kriege
Walter Isaacson - Steve Jobs
Sam Walton - Made in America
Brad Stone - The Everything Store
Gustave Le Bon - Psychology of the Masses
Michael Lewis -Liar's Poker
Phil Knight - Shoe Dog
The Secret History of the Mongols
Magarete George - Heinrich VIII
William Hoyle - The Game in Wall Street
Duncan Clark - Alibaba. The house that Jack Ma build
Bruce Greenwald - Value Investing
Peter Lynch - One up Wallstreet
John Bogle - Little Book of common sense
Jim Collins - Good to be great
Yuval Harari - Sapiens
Fjodor Dostojewski - Notes from the underground
Aldous Huxley - Brave new world
Luigi Pirandello - Uno, nessuno, centomila
Mario Vargas Llosa - La guerra del fin del mundo
Bertolt Brechts - Leben des Galilei
Albert Camus - L’Étranger
Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung
Mary Shelley - Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus