Deprecated: Use of MWTimestamp::getHumanTimestamp was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.26. [Called from ArticleFeedbackv5Render::renderPermalinkTimestamp in /var/common/extensions/1.39/ArticleFeedbackv5/includes/ArticleFeedbackv5Render.php at line 514] in /var/www/mediawiki-1.39.10/w/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 381
Feedback on Assessment of Open Ran - InvestmentWiki

Feedback on Assessment of Open Ran

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PirateCaptain found what they were looking for.

19 December 2022 | Details
Hey Aron, is it possible to give more details when using the cite function, like giving the exact page in an pdf the source can be found?
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