Volkswagen:EU CO2 Regulation: Difference between revisions

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In 2019, the EU came up with a regulation to help reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). The EU Commission estimates that passenger cars and light vehicles are responsible for 16% and 3% of the emissions, respectively. The regulation was amended on April 2023 to reflect the EU's ambitions to reach climate neutrality by 2015. Here are the contents of the regulation<ref></ref>:
In 2019, the EU came up with a regulation to help reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). The EU Commission estimates that passenger cars and light vehicles are responsible for 16% and 3% of the emissions, respectively. The regulation was amended on April 2023 to reflect the EU's ambitions to reach climate neutrality by 2015. Here are the contents of the regulation<ref></ref>:

* Between 2020 and 2024, the regulation aims to cut the emission levels to 95 g CO2/km for passenger cars based on NEDC emission test (115.1g CO2/km based on WLTP) and 147 g CO2/km for vans (178.1 g/km based on WLTP) .
* Between 2020 and 2024, the regulation aims to cut the emission levels to 95 g CO2/km for cars and 147 g CO2/km for vans based on NEDC emission test.
* '''From 2025, it targets to reduce the emission levels to 93,6 g CO2/km (2025-2029) and 49,5 g CO2/km (2030-2034) for cars and 153,9 g CO2/km (2025-2029) and 90,6 g CO2/km (2030-2034) for vans based WLTP test (around 15% reduction).'''
* '''From 2025, it targets to reduce the emission levels to 93,6 g CO2/km (2025-2029) and 49,5 g CO2/km (2030-2034) for cars and 153,9 g CO2/km (2025-2029) and 90,6 g CO2/km (2030-2034) for vans based WLTP test (around 15% reduction).'''
* Beyond 2035, the EU targets to have 100% emission reduction.
* Beyond 2035, the EU targets to have 100% emission reduction.
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* At the end of 2023, CO2 emissions of Volkswagen's European new passenger car fleet was 119 g/km (WLTP)<ref name=":1"></ref>.
* Volkswagen's new light commercial vehicles in the EU had an average emission of 187 g/km at the end of 2023.
* Volkswagen Group assumes that its new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles fleet in the EU will meet the 2025 statutory target<ref name=":1" />.
* In 2021, Volkswagen's statutory target was 121.6 g/km (based on WLTP). Statutory targets are differs from the EU emission targets since it takes into account pooling<ref></ref>. If the statutory target reduces by 15% in 2025, it means Volkswagen still has a gap of 15.6 g/km for passenger cars.  [[File:VW CO2 emissions.png|left|thumb|350x350px|Source: Volkswagen 2023 annual report, page 165]]