Earnings Season: Difference between revisions

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b. Reasons
b. Reasons
e. Conclusion, Summary, and Personal Outlook for Company
i. Map out Pros, Cons, and Missing Pieces for the company given with what you have researched so far. (Comment Moritz: Scan for red or green flags before the earnings and within earnings)
ii. Detail each point you want to highlight for your reasoning on your suggested positioning.
iii. No need to add your own numbers but mention reasons whether you expect the earnings report to be positive or negative.
== Step 3: Reporting ==
i. Call Outline (90 mins estimate)
a. Main Highlights – 6 mins
b. KPI and Guidance Summary – 3 mins
c. Analyst Expectations – 3 mins
d. Developments in Quarter – 15 mins
e. Competitor Guidance/Report – 6 mins
f. Recap and Conclusions – 7 mins
g. Discussions & Allowance – 40 mins
h. Pressing Questions, Next Steps, and Sched Next Call – 10 mins
ii. Tips for Call
a. Prepare for your presentation, so you can report it well.
b. Don’t read everything
c. You can read headers then just mention main points
d. For more guidance, check Earnings Expectations sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hsho3W72EZ7cXpxAJYeuUWImCVBvW37Tfg5AahlJ8gY/edit#gid=940594445
e. The researcher should be done with expectations report and should present it to [[User:PirateCaptain]] SIX DAYS to the actual earnings date.
==Step 4: Folllow-up Calls ==
As we wait for the actual earnings date, the researcher should have follow-up calls with [[User:PirateCaptain]] to answer the questions he asked during the above presentation. The call can also cover output for tasks given during the presentation.
== Step 5: If applicable watch and summarize main competitor earnings call ==
a. For very important reports of competitors, watch it together with [[User:PirateCaptain]].
b. Report main points of the call on Discord immediately as soon as the call ends.
c. If comp earnings mention trends or problems with the industry, investigate this and report.
== Step 6: Decision Call ==
i. The Last Call would happen when there are no more open questions for your company’s earnings.
ii. Discussion on Earnings
a. map out Pros and Cons, detail your reasoning for your suggested positioning, and discuss with Moritz
iii. Scenario Planning
a. What kind of different outcomes do we foresee and what would be our decision in those kinds of scenarios.
b. Goal: Have less pressure to make decision on earnings day and clear overview and cold minded decisions + preparations how to react in different possible scenarios.
== Step 7: Actual earnings day ==
Wait for Earnings Release and Watch Earnings Call with [[User:PirateCaptain]]
i. Be in a Zoom call with [[User:PirateCaptain]] 30 MINUTES BEFORE THE RELEASE.
ii. [[User:PirateCaptain]] must be prepared to trade at this time.
iii. When the report is released, read and analyze it ASAP.
a. Discuss with  [[User:PirateCaptain]] realtime
iv. Watch and analyze earnings call.
v. While waiting, you can already check Twitter, Google, and other platforms on what other people expect and think of the company’s earnings.
vi. Discuss which open questions from the call need to be researched asap.
vii. Schedule after earnings reflections and feedback meeting
== Step 8: After Earnings Reflections + (Feedback) ==
i. Find time to further study the stock and earnings before the open in the next day
ii. Both researcher and [[User:PirateCaptain]] should answer the period's Earnings Research Review for your company: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b-bL1JxSjeU5dQd2Y_4n1OSJW99SLFsvRua-hsnXfuI/edit?usp=sharing