Earnings Season: Difference between revisions

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e. <Span style="Color:green">Conclusion, Summary, and Personal Outlook for Company</Span>
e. <Span style="Color:green">Conclusion, Summary, and Personal Outlook for Company</Span>

i. Map out Pros, Cons, and Missing Pieces for the company given with what you have researched so far. (Comment Moritz: Scan for red or green flags before the earnings and within earnings)
i. Map out Pros, Cons, and Missing Pieces for the company given with what you have researched so far. (Comment [[User:PirateCaptain]]: Scan for red or green flags before the earnings and within earnings)

ii. Detail each point you want to highlight for your reasoning on your suggested positioning.
ii. Detail each point you want to highlight for your reasoning on your suggested positioning.