Upwork:Competition: Difference between revisions

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|more than 90
|more than 90
|Generates revenue from marketplace and managed sources
|Generates revenue from marketplace and managed sources
|There are currently over 2 million freelancers on Upwork
|There are currently over 2 million freelancers on Upwork<ref>https://investors.upwork.com/news-releases/news-release-details/upwork-expands-support-full-time-hiring-further-unlocking-worlds</ref>
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|more than 250
|more than 250
|Revenue mainly comes from transaction-based fees
|Revenue mainly comes from transaction-based fees
|As of May 2019, there were more than 830,000 freelancers on Fiverr
|As of May 2019, there were more than 830,000 freelancers on Fiverr<ref>https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1762301/000104746919003139/a2238508zf-1.htm</ref>