Conditions During Recession: Difference between revisions

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== Overview ==
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Start Date'''
|'''End Date'''
|'''Unemployment Peak'''
|'''Inflation Peak'''
|'''Federal debt to GDP'''
|'''S&P 500 from Recession Start  to bottom'''
|'''Date of Botton'''
|'''Federal Funds Rate Pivot'''
|The Roosevelt Recession
|Fell 10%
| -46.00%
|The Union Recession
|Fell 11.6%
| -25.83%
|Stock market crashed -42% was rigth after the recession, investors were expecting a continued recession after the war. Instead there was an increase in inflation and growth due to the huge spending.
|The Post-War Recession
|Fell 5.4%
| -12.00%
|The Post-Korean War Recession
|Fell 5.9%
| -6.12%
|The Eisenhower Recessio
|Fell 10%
| -11.87%
|The “Rolling Adjustment” Recession
|Fell 5%
| -2.80%