Meta Platforms:Quarterly Results/2023 Q1: Difference between revisions

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== Small Competitors Results and Expectations ==
=== Omnicom Group ===
* Omnicom Group reported revenue of $3.4 billion that exceeded analysts estimate by 2.3%<ref>,increased%201%25%20year%20over%20year.</ref>.
* Its advertising and media revenue grew by 5.1% year-on-year in Q1 2023<ref name=":7"></ref>.
* CEO John Wren said during the earnings call, " “The Fed hasn’t stopped,” he said. “[I and other leaders] expect there is still going to be a lot more uncertainty until the Fed and its partners around the world think they’re done.”<ref name=":7" />
* He added that clients continue to spend while “looking to create flexibility without abandoning the commitments they’ve made to grow their brands." He added that instead of cutting budgets preemtively, clients are “trying where they can to avoid long-term commitments and create as much flexibility in their spending as possible.”<ref name=":7" />
* Omnicom maintained its guidance of 3-5% organic growtht in 2023<ref name=":7" />.
=== S4 Capitall ===
* S4 Capital expects advertising revenue to grow 7-8% in 2023<ref name=":8"></ref>.
* Martin Sorrel while discussing his companies 2022 results said , "Clients are a little bit more hesitant going into 2023. They delayed finalizing their operation budgets and marketing budgets but now putting into place."<ref name=":8" />

== References ==
== References ==