Upwork: Summary of SEC Fillings: Difference between revisions

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== 2022 SEC Filling ==
== 2022 SEC Filling ==
Below is a summary of Upwork 2022 10-K SEC Filling<ref>https://investors.upwork.com/static-files/a3048866-0496-4d47-9bcf-29ed94f4564c</ref>.  
Below is a summary of Upwork 2022 10-K SEC Filling<ref>https://investors.upwork.com/static-files/a3048866-0496-4d47-9bcf-29ed94f4564c</ref>.  
=== GSV, Clients and Freelancers ===
* The number of Sundays in a quarter/year affect the amount of GSV.

=== Technology ===
=== Technology ===