Consumer Price Index:Historical Releases/2023 July: Difference between revisions

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Full Report:  
Full Report:

Publishing date: Aug 10 2023
Publishing date: Aug 10 2023
== Assessment by Magaly ==
== Outlook ==
=== Fed Cleveland ===
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2" |YoY Change
! colspan="2" |MoM Change
!Core CPI
!Core CPI
=== JP Morgan ===
== Summary ==
* [[File:Screenshot 2023-08-10 090422.png|center|thumb|649x649px|]]U.S consumer price index(CPI) rose 0.2% in July, in-line with the estimate.
* Year-over-year, CPI rose 3.2% versus 3.3% estimate.
* Core CPI rose 0.2% in June, also in-line with the estimate.
* Year-over-year, core CPI grew by 4.7% versus 4.8% estimate.
=== Biggest Contributors ===
* The index for shelter was by far the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase, accounting for over 90 percent of the increase, with the index for motor vehicle insurance also contributing.

== CPI expectations ==
== CPI expectations ==