Development:Tools/Portoflio Tracker: Difference between revisions

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Line 129: Line 129:
|~ ([ free] offers too little -10 holdings)
|~ ([ free] offers too little -10 holdings)
|Portfolio 123
|Seeking Alpha?
|[ Stock Analysis]
|[ Snowball Analytics]
|[ Zigma]
|[ Delta]
|[ Cova]
|[ Wallstreet Zen watchlist]
|[ SigFig]
|[ Magnifi]
|[ InvestorsObservers]
|[ AssetDash]
|[ GetQuin]
|[ Interactive Brokers]
|[ Vyzer]
|[ MotleyFool]
|[ StockMarketEye]
|[ SoFi]
|[ WeBull]
|[ TradeStation]
|[ Robinhood]
Line 143: Line 368:

Portfolio Performance - open source
Portfolio Performance - open source
Dividend Watch - Can only be used if community members can limit themselves to 10 holdings, otherwise they need investor plan for unlimited holdings ($8/mo)
