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Tracking the number of jobs posted by clients with over $1 million spent enable us to know if Upwork is retaining clients. A drop in the number of these jobs indicate that clients are leaving Upwork or pausing contracts.


Number of Hourly Jobs By Large Clients

Number of job posts by clients who have spent over $1 million in the platform

Average Globally Growth(%) U.S Growth(%) Europe Growth(%) Rest of the world Growth(%)
May 2023 1,006 645 212 149
June 2023 977 -2.93% 656 1.63% 191 -9.79% 130 -12.92%
July 2023 952 -2.47% 667 1.69% 177 -7.35% 109 -16.30%
August 2023 868 -8.86% 549 -17.64% 190 6.94% 130 19.24%
September 2023 883 1.71% 551 0.36% 173 -8.60% 159 22.47%
October 2023 948 7.43% 588 6.79% 205 18.36% 155 -2.27%
November 2023 1003 5.76% 596 1.29% 225 9.63% 182 17.58%
December 2023 975 -2.82% 575 -3.52% 198 -11.90% 202 10.70%


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