Vonovia: Anual General Meeting /2023

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On May 17, 2023 Vonovia held its annual general meeting[1]. Here is a summary of what happened during the meeting;

  • Shareholders approved the €0.85 per share dividend; hence following the proposal of the Supervisory Board and Management Board to combine dividend continuity and capital discipline[2].
  • The supervisory board was reduced to 10 members from 12 members as planned[2].
  • Jürgen Fitschen, a long-standing chairman of the supervisory board left office and was replaced by former McKinsey consultant Clara C. Streit[3].
  • Vonovia received criticism from major shareholders led by Union Investment. Union's Arne Rautenberg warned that Vonovia could find itself having a lot of debt due to high interest rates and real estate depreciation. "In its current state, Vonovia doesn't look like Europe's largest housing group, but like a skyscraper on shaky foundations," he complained[3]. "The debt is above the target corridor of 40 to 45 percent you have set and has even increased since the end of 2022," he said. "At a certain level, you risk being downgraded by the rating agencies, and that could start a downward spiral." Rautenberg added[4].
  • Rautenberg also criticised the company's communication style which has made the capital market to lose trust in it[5].
  • In response, CFO Philip Grosse defended the company's capital position. "We (have) shown that we have enough leeway to avoid an emergency capital increase," he said[3].
  • On Vonovia's LTV of 45.4%, Grosse said, "This is basically not a problem." He added that it could happen that Vonovia "is temporarily outside of this range."[3]
  • Grosse noted that they have a large safety net when it comes to debt ratio stipulated in the bond terms. "Of course we keep an eye on that and have a very large safety buffer," he said[3].
  • Vonovia boss Rolf Buch said that its subsidiary Deutsche Wohnen has put its care home business up for grabs while Vonovia could part with real estate packages in Sweden[3].
