This is the central page for Community Discussions. Discussions on a specific company or macrotopic are held in the discussion section of the corresponding article.

Shorter new discussions are started in the Discussion section of this page if there is no other specific place/article yet that suits the discussion better.

Longer discussions are listed below.

Ongoing Discussions

Recently concluded


  • Everyone is allowed to join any discussion at any time
  • Give your opinion on all available options to help exclude options


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--PirateCaptain (talk) 17:32, 10 January 2023 (UTC)

--PirateCaptain (talk) 17:32, 10 January 2023 (UTC)

Strive for consensus

Overall i like the concept of Wikipedia to always try seeking consensus and make voting non binding as this fosters deep and high quality discussions in order to come to an agreement. See

If consensus in a discussion is not reached right away we create a new more detailed discussion. Example: Our values/Discussion/First value. The creation of a detailed discussion is not a bad sign and legitimate to explore best options.


  • The goal for arguments is always to reach the best setup, never "winning" the argument.
  • Fight for your believes: If we are not able to reach consensus and you don't agree with the final decision feel free to keep presenting arguments within the detailed discussion article.
  • Decisions are non binding and can be reverted if another setup is better.
  • We love being "beaten" by better arguments or new insights because this is when we are learning.

Final Decisions

Once in a while it is important to take final decisions upon which we are building.

One such decision is: "Decision to use the Investmentwiki for our Research"