Workflow in detailed Discussions

Example of a detailed discussion Our_values/Discussion/First_value

User:AnjaUser:AronUser:MagaNH6 Now at the start of using detailed discussions it's important to discuss and decide some best practices of how we use them. I think it is probably good if everyone is adding arguments directly to the List of arguments so that we collect them centrally + potentially leaving a --Username sign (Not signing with ~ because it includes the Date and makes it too long) so that we know instantly who brought up the argument. If we agree with an argument we could also place our --Username after the username of the person who originally brought up the argument. I also think having some final thoughts and explanations like Anja did it is good. Any thoughts on the Topic? --PirateCaptain (talk) 08:07, 13 January 2023 (UTC)

Our main place for foundational discussions


Currently discussions take place in 3 different places: Discord, Linear and the Investmentwiki.

I'd like to streamline discussion about things like our values, rules, way of working together in one place. My current take is that the Investmentwiki is probably the best place as it is persistent & transparent & can help us best with onboarding new people. Overall Discussions on Discord should be more casual and chill and on Linear more focused around a specific task.

Disadvantages per Plattform:

  • Discord: Discussion is not persistent as the will fall back in time in a channel.
  • Investmentwiki: Format is very unusual and requires some learning curve.
  • Linear: Discussion is not open as people need to be part of linear first.

Opinions? --PirateCaptain (talk) 22:36, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

User:AnjaUser:AronUser:MagaNH6 Short Thread Bump --PirateCaptain (talk) 18:03, 10 January 2023 (UTC)

user:PirateCaptain I agree with your opinion, but notifications feature may inhibit urgent discussions in investmentwiki unlike in Discord where notifications are instant. Email notifications do delay( I don't know if anyone else has noticed the same)--AK 18:50, 10 January 2023 (UTC)

user:PirateCaptain I like wiki for discussions about the company (values, objetives,tasks, etc), and discussion about the analysis in the articles already made or that are missing, as it more open, and everyone will be able to access at any point in time. For everyday news about macro or the investments, I like discord as it is offer more fluidity I think.--MagaNH6 (talk) 00:53, 11 January 2023 (UTC)

user:PirateCaptain I agree. Discussions about the company values, objectives, etc. on Investmentwiki. (I think it is no problem when the email notifications delay, because discussions about values etc. normally are not that urgent.)

Linear: Specific Tasks (if urgent an additional message on discord)

Discord: Overall discussions and contact channel for urgent things and socializing

--Anja (talk) 07:22, 11 January 2023 (UTC)

User:AnjaUser:AronUser:MagaNH6 Ok great. Then it is decided that we will use the Investmentwiki for foundational discussions like Values, Objectives, Way of working together. I will port some topics from Linear to the Wiki like the Topic on OKRs and start more indepth discussions on the Wiki. Please feel free to do so as well or ask open questions in this Investmentwiki talk:Discussions section (open new topic) so that we can start developing Guidelines together how to effectively discuss and work together on the Wiki. --PirateCaptain (talk) 11:44, 11 January 2023 (UTC)