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Principles of good articles

Copy pasted from Guideline:Proprietary studies. To be updated to 100% fit for general article layouts.

  • Accuracy. The study has to be granular and contain informations about the solidity of it's evidence and conclusions. It has to make a positive contributions to the accuracy of the overall picture.
  • Transparency. We want to avoid appearing authoritative or avoid the unrealistic appearance of 100% truth and objectivity. Instead we want to be very transparent about our process, thoughts, way of working. That is in line with our key transparency value.
  • Accessibility. It just be easily possible for a unrelated third party reader to comprehend and reconstruct the study. Therefore explanations have to be sufficiently easy and clear to understand for newcomers.
  • Inviting. We want to invite others to challenge our thoughts or contribute to them.
  • Evolving. By being accurate, transparent, accessible and inviting our goal is to build ever evolving models that reflect reality increasingly better. This is in line with our strive for excellence value.

Detailed Guidelines

General Structure

First Draft! - Once i got enough time i will write an detailed article explaining the layout i have in mind.

The Idea is to create an article architecture which let's us explore topics in depth indefinitely while still having precise and short summaries of our findings always one level above.


  • Overview Level: Article "Investment Ideas" very short description of the company, our investment thesis in it, our ratings on various topics. Summarizes our findings of Company Level.
  • Industry Level: Example: "Automotive Industry". Industry developments or research questions which touch one than more company.
  • Company Level: Article "Upwork" More in depth exploration of various important ares like you've done it. Summarizes our findings of Area Level.
  • Area Level: Article "Upwork:Competition" In depth exploration of an specific company area. We use a : to separate the terms.
  • Potentially at one point another level below that E.g. "Upwork:Competition/Fiverr". We use first an : and then a / to separate the terms.

If we create Subarticles the corresponding top level article always has to exists! (That allows users to go one level up simply by removing one part of the URL)

Key Summaries and Assessments

I'd also like to include ratings of the topic to each level which act as our key summary of that area.

As an example Upwork:Competition could potentially get a rating like 6 which is not to bad as there are no very strong direct competitors but Linkedin as a generally very strong competitor. (Note: We need to develop clear criteria for our ratings + always justify the ratings we are giving in one area.)

On the question of when to break an area into an new article we eventually also need to develop guidelines (maybe if it's more than approx. 1 Din4 Page).

Key Sections

Company Articles

  • Recent Quarters
  • Bull & Bear Case


  • Product
  • Management & Culture
  • Market & Moats
    • Regulatory
    • Competition
  • Model & Analysts (Valuation Model? / Analyst Expectations?)