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Feedly is a news aggregator application for web browsers and mobile devices running iOS and Android.

Here's a link to their official website:

Pros and Cons


  • You can add your own custom feeds
  • Great interface
  • Easy to use
  • Can provide Web notifications using an extension for Google Chrome [1]


  • Doesn't come with Mobile notifications
  • Doesn't come with Web notifications out of the box, but you can easily add them

How to add Web notifications from Feedly using Chrome Extensions

  1. First step is to create a Feedly account my going to their website: and clicking "Get Started for Free"
    This is where you can access the Discovery section
    After you've created your account you should be redirected to the "Discover" section. If not, click on it from the left side of your screen
  2. Create a new folder and give it a title. When you click on the created folder you will have the option to "Follow Website". Click on that.
  3. Paste the URL of the website you wish to recieve news from, and hit Enter. You will be presented with a section called " Matching Feeds", where you can find your URL. Click on "Follow" and add it to your previously created folder by clicking on it from the pop-up.
  4. Go to Feedly's Google extension here and click "Add to Chrome". Now, if you click on your Extensions, on the puzzle icon in the top-right corner of your window, find Feedly and click on the three dots next to it, and then click on "Options".
  5. Here in Options, you can set the refresh interval and other options. I suggest you leave the interval at 10 minutes and check a few boxes, those being: "Enable background mode" , "Show desktop notifications", and optional is " Play alert sound on new feeds"
  6. Make sure that your browser notifications are turned on.

How to add Web notifications from Feedly using other browsers

  • Follow the same steps for the browser that you are using. Download its Feedly Extension from this link, depending on which browser you are using:
