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Feedly is a news aggregator application for web browsers and mobile devices running iOS and Android.
Here's a link to their official website:
Pros and Cons
- You can add your own custom feeds
- Great interface
- Easy to use
- Can provide Web notifications using an extension for Google Chrome [1]
- Doesn't come with Mobile notifications
- Doesn't come with Web notifications out of the box, but you can easily add them
How to add Web notifications from Feedly using Chrome Extensions
- First step is to create a Feedly account my going to their website: and clicking "Get Started for Free"After you've created your account you should be redirected to the "Discover" section. If not, click on it from the left side of your screen
- Create a new folder and give it a title. When you click on the created folder you will have the option to "Follow Website". Click on that.
- Paste the URL of the website you wish to recieve news from, and hit Enter. You will be presented with a section called " Matching Feeds", where you can find your URL. Click on "Follow" and add it to your previously created folder by clicking on it from the pop-up.
- Go to Feedly's Google extension here and click "Add to Chrome". Now, if you click on your Extensions, on the puzzle icon in the top-right corner of your window, find Feedly and click on the three dots next to it, and then click on "Options".
- Here in Options, you can set the refresh interval and other options. I suggest you leave the interval at 10 minutes and check a few boxes, those being: "Enable background mode" , "Show desktop notifications", and optional is " Play alert sound on new feeds"
- Make sure that your browser notifications are turned on.
How to add Web notifications from Feedly using other browsers
- Follow the same steps for the browser that you are using. Download its Feedly Extension from this link, depending on which browser you are using: