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In order to monitor articles or take ownership for them it's important to get notified onces those articles change.

A fast and reliable RSS provider is necessary to spot changes to owned articles fast and react to it.

Following an article can also be useful to stay on top and informed on changes of a topic.

Luckily, this is easily possible with RSS. [1]

Subscribe to article updates

Subscription to a Wikiarticle via RSS

Add a new article to a slack channel

  1. Get you RSS feed link by clicking on version history -> Atom -> Copy the link in the address bar. (See picture)
  2. Go to slack channel you would want to receive RSS updates in. That could be either a shared work group or one of your private watchlist channels.
  3. Type /feed subscribe + enter your RSS Feed link. [2]
  4. Click enter.
  5. Slackbot should confirm your subscription.

Follow individual Users or special pages

You can also subscribe to changes made by individual users e.g. Special:Contributions/Aron or New Pages being created Special:NewPages.

Subscribe to your watchlist

Reset your watchlist token in case problems occur.

If you want to actively follow updates to your articles without much hassle one workflow could be adding those topics to your Watchlist and subscribing to your Watchlist in one step. (If this does not work on your first attempt reset your watchlist token in your preferences under Special pages:Preferences.)

Alternative RSS Clients

We've tested over 80 RSS News Readers with the purpose of finding the best one.

Our criteria for RSS Clients

  • Free to use
  • Safe to use in terms of security
  • Fast automatic RSS sync
  • Push notifications/options for both Desktop (Windows, MacOS, Linux) and Mobile ( Android, iOS)
  • Fast and easy to use
  • Preferably just one app that is available on all platforms

What we recommend and what we don't

Best App

  • Slack's RSS app - best and most universal solution. Add your RSS feed to Slack and recieve RSS updates via messages on Slack. 2 minutes average delay.

Other recommendations

  • IFTTT Slack integration - similar to Slack's integration, but with a maximum of 1 hour delay time, making it worse. I have a guide on how to enable Watchlist notifications.
  • NewsBlur. Displays content well both on Web and Mobile. IOS and Android app are working well and have notifications. Web notification aren't working for some reason.
  • Feedly - Only RSS Feed that offers working Web push notifications ( with an browser extension ). Comes with slower refresh times of up to 4 hours.
  • NetNewsWire. Free and open source. Available on IOS and Mac. RSS Feeds can be automatically refreshed every 10 Minutes. Displays content well and has notifications.

Not Recommended

Tested Name Description
1 Inoreader RSS Feed refreshes within in hour but overall slow. No notification unless you pay for it. No visually pleasing display of content.
2 FeedReader Can only download on Windows and Linux. Comes with a 2 hour update speed on the free version.
3 GoodNews unable to add feeds because of an error.
4 Flipboard News reader that comes with the option for RSS Feed, but is more suited for blog posts.
5 Newsify News reader for IOS, MacOS and Web where you can add your own feed.
6 The Old Reader only available as a web RSS Reader with no push notifications
7 Reeder 5 not free on the App Store ( $5)
8 zzllrr RSS Reader no longer supported for newer version of Chrome
9 Royal RSS Reader needs to be downloaded, making it harder than most to set up
10 Winds used for Podcasts and needs installation
11 Readon not available in English
12 FeedMe only available for Android
13 Rolly RSS Reader only available for Android and hasn't recieved updates since 2019
14 News+ only available for Android
15 An Otter RSS Reader notifications only work well after you use the app for some time, making it harder to use out of the box
16 SwipeNews only available for Android
17 Palabre Feedly RSS Reader News only available for Android
18 NewsFold discontinued
19 Feedbin only free for the first month, $5 per month after that
20 irrreader not available in English
21 Angelia not available in English
22 lire discountinued
23 FeedDemon discontinued in 2013
24 AnotherRSS not available on Google Play Store, making it hard to install
25 FieryFeeds can only add feeds by importing an OMPL file or connecting to other services such as Feedly, making it too complicated compared to others
26 FeedReader probably discontinued as their website is not longer available
27 Feedbro way too technical for a browser extension
28 RSS Bandit hasn't been updated in years
29 Gnome Feeds only available on Linux
30 Gnome Feeds only available on Linux
31 QuiteRSS not updated since 2020
32 Liferea only available on Linux
33 Unread only available on iOS
34 Bloglovin' not available on Google Play and App Store anymore
35 Fraidycat doesn't have notifications, only available on Web
36 News Explorer 14 days free trial, paid version after the free trial ends
37 Readkit doesn't have notifications, only avaliable on MacOS and iOS
38 Capuccino discontinued as I don't see it on the App Store anymore
39 RSS Reader Prime not available in English
40 Raven Reader only available to download on a computer. Always have to keep the app in the sidebar, as closing it kills the app, instead of it running in the background.
41 Smart RSS Extension notifications don't work and added feeds don't display any results
42 Plenary only available on Android
43 FeedPop only a Chrome extension, doesn't have notifications
44 DEVONthink only available on MacOS
45 Sismics Reader error while trying to download on Windows. Also available on Linux , MacOS and Android
46 RSSOwlnix only available for Linux, not updated in 10 months
47 Vienna only available for computers
48 Bluereader not available in English
49 RSS Guard Windows Defender blocked it from downloading
50 NewsWave discontinued - unavailable on App Store, the only place where it was launched
51 Aggregator only available on Android
52 NewsFlow discontinued
53 Feeds by Felfele only available on Android and on iOS, where it's in Beta
54 Ego Reader error comes up when adding a feed, only available for Mobile
55 Brief extension only for Firefox
56 Fluent Reader only for MacOS and Windows, costs $5
57 Livemarks an extension only for Firefox
58 Cube RSS Reader not available in English
59 Drop Feeds only a Firefox extension
60 Reardrops only for Android
61 Newsflash available only for Android and Linux
62 Feedmill not free as it costs $5
63 Slick RSS discontinued in 2014
64 RSS Menu not free as it costs $3
65 FeedWrangler discontinued
66 Web subscriber unable to download
67 baRSS only available for MacOS
68 Yarr available on all except mobile, doesn't have web notifications
69 FeedIt website not online anymore
70 NiceFeed Android only, discontinued
71 Flym discontinued
72 Homura discontinued ( not updated in 2 years )
73 Dinosaur RSS Windows Defender blocked it
74 WebFeed a Chrome extension that doesn't come with notifications
75 NewsBite push notifications only for premium users, which costs $1 per month
76 Elytra Only free for 14 days, $1 per month after free trial. Has push notifications.
77 Elytra 2 hours refresh time, no push notifications for desktop

Final Thoughts

  • The only option if you want to have the ability to recieve notifications on any device/platform is to use Slack's RSS integration.
  • NewsBlur is good for RSS reading and also okay for notifications,but their Web ones aren't working and their mobile app notifications don't give you any information unless you pay a subscription.
  • For IOS and MacOS NetNewsWire is a great option, the only downside being that if you force close it ( by swiping up) it won't be able to send push notifications on IOS, making it a must to always have it running in the background.
  • Another solution for Web notifications is Feedly's Chrome Extension. Notifications work well for Chrome, but are also available for other browsers.

