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Slack is an instant messaging program that comes with a lot of integrations, most of them 3rd party.

Here's a link to their official website:

Slack's RSS Feed updater

Slack offers their own solution to keeping up with feed updates. They make it easy for you to recieve notifications when something is added to your feeds or edited, by using their RSS app ( link here ).


  • Very fast to catch new updates ( while testing it usually took it 2 minutes to send notifications, but sometimes it takes up to 10 minutes )
  • Easy to use
  • Free and safe to use

How to use Slack's RSS app

  1. Go to Slack's website - click here - and create a free account;
  2. Download Slack for the operating system that you are using by searching on Google, ( example "Slack for Windows" ) or by clicking the links here according to the operating system that you are using : Windows , MacOS , Linux . In case you are using a smartphone, search for " Slack " on your App Store or Google Play and download it;
  3. Create a workspace ( mandatory ). Once you are logged in, you will have to answer 3 questions: Company name ( can be anything ), Add teammates ( click on "Skip this step" ) and Workspace name ( example : InvestmentWikiWatchlist). (Or join our Slack Workspace here) ;
  4. Add the RSS Feed URL for the feed you want to keep up to date with. For our purposes we will go the Watchlist from our InvestmentWiki account by clicking on it in the top-right corner of the page ( you can do that from any article or from the Main Page . When looking at your watchlist, on the left-side you can see the text " Atom " next to an icon. Another options is going to an article, clicking on Version History and then the Atom icon will be visible on the left side. Now that you've clicked on Atom you will be faced with a very weird page full of code. All you have to do is copy the URL ( the page's address) ;
  5. Now add the Feed's URL and scroll down to "Select a channel" and select "Direct messages" ( or create a new channel) . Now click "Save".

Tip : If you want to remove a feed that is notifying you about a deleted article, you can go to the Slack channel on which it's notifying you and use the /feed help command to see options about removing it.


Tests indicate an update interval between 1 to 20 minutes.

Timestamp Speed Time Conducted by Category
2023 Feb 23 - 14:54 I've set up Slack's RSS Feed manager that send push notifications. After 2 minutes I got notified. Same result after a few more tests 2min David Recent changes
2023 March 02 - 15:59 Got a notification after 14 minutes, making it the slowest test run for this app. 14min David Watchlist
2023 March 02 - 16:23 Got a notification after 10 minutes. 10min David Watchlist
2023 March 02 - 17:11 Got a notification after 2 minutes. 2min David Watchlist
2023 March 02 - 18:39 Got a notification in under 1 minute after I've set up the RSS Feed 1min Moritz Watchlist
2023 March 02 - 18:54 Got a bundle notification on my change to my watchlist only 17 minutes later 17min Moritz Watchlist
2023 March 02 - 19:15 Got a bundle notification after 16 Minutes 16min Moritz Watchlist
2023 March 02 - 19:35 Got a bundle notification after 20Minutes (Will disable watchlist now. I have to much in it) 20min Moritz Watchlist
2023 March 03 - 14:18 2 notification at 14:33 ( first edit at 14:18 second one after 1 minute) 15 min David Watchlist
2023 March 03 - 15:37 Notification - 15:53 16 min David Watchlist