Upwork:Questions: Difference between revisions

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|What is Upwork's addressable market value? Check reports by research firms eg Goldman Sachs, PWC, KPMG, etc
|Feb 27
|What metrics does Upwork use to measure whether clients are organic?
|Feb 27
|How does Upwork measure the 20% increase associated with its brand marketing effort?
|Feb 27
|How are the metrics on “fastest-growing earnings for freelancers” calculated?
|Feb 27
|What metrics does Upwork use to measure whether clients are organic?
|Feb 27
|Are Upwork clients which we know planning layoffs?
|Feb 27
|How long will open jobs even persist?
|Feb 27
|Are companies in industries in which there are many jobs open going to use an "small business" plattform like upwork or a large outsourcing provider like accenture?
|Feb 27